And now the little angel Faith opened his golden book and
began to read.
“I have taught Susy that there is another world beside this,
and I have told her that is her real home, and what a beautiful and happy one
it is. I have told her a great deal about Jesus and the holy angels. I do not
know much myself. I am not very old. But if I stay here six years longer I
shall grow wiser, and I will teach Susy all I learn, and we will pray together
every morning and every night till at last she loves the Lord Jesus with all
her heart and soul and mind and strength.”
Then Susy’s papa and mamma looked at each other and smiled,
and they both said: “Oh, beautiful Angel! Never leave her!” and the angel
answered: “I will stay with her as long as she lives, and will never leave her
till I leave her at the very door of heaven!”
[ Typing this through tears. I hope and pray that the "angel" Faith would stay with my children and grandchildren all the way through the gates of heaven. ~mr]
Image: Painting by Arthur John Elsey