
Monday, November 21, 2011

So Be It

So be it; 'tis Thy plan not mine,
And being Thine is good;
And God, my will shall yield to Thine
Ere it is understood.

So be it; I a child of dust
Will not oppose Thy way,
Move on, mysterious Will, I trust,
I love, and will obey.

So be it; and do Thou, my heart,
No childish questions ask,
Thou in God's counsels hast no part,
Crave not so hard a task.
So be it; yes, so be it, Lord,
No word have I to say--
O be Thy gracious Name adored--
I love and will obey.

~ From  Golden Hours, Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life

1 comment:

  1. I needed this today, Maxine. Thanks for sharing.
