I have just been to see Mrs. Campbell. In answer to my routine lamentations, she took up a book and read me what was called, as nearly as I can remember, "Four steps that lead to peace." "Be desirous of doing the will of another, rather than thine own." "Choose always to have less, rather than more." "Seek always the lowest place, and to be inferior to every one." "Wish always, and pray, that the will of God may be wholly fulfilled in thee." [Stepping Heavenward, June 15, 1838 entry.]
Maggie helps her brother-in-law Tom to understand just what the gospel is: "Well, I am not going to stand out against such prayers. I'm as
ignorant as a heathen, and somebody will have a hard time pulling me along. But
if you and Horace will help me, I will begin." "To begin what, dear Tom?" "To be good." "But you can't be good, and we can't help you to be. All you've got to
do you can do now, sitting on that chair." "And what is that?" “Give yourself to Christ. Then ask Him to give you repentance and faith, and
everything else you need.” “But I thought it took a long time, and that people had to read and pray,
and get wretched, and then at last they would feel their sins roll off their
backs in a great bundle, and go on ever after relieved.” “But that is not true. The first thing is to believe in Christ, and give
yourself to Him, sins and all...”: [From Aunt Jane's Hero by EP. Read this wonderful fictional account and see how God used Maggie's words to bring Tom to the point where he did indeed find himself in full possession of the "imperishable riches of Christ." ~ mr]
From Katy's journal entry dated June 2, 1835 in the book Stepping Heavenward. Her report on this important conversation between herself and Dr. Ernest Elliott immediately after she had been rude to him in some comments: Another pained, disappointed look made me begin to recollect myself. I was sorry, oh! so sorry, for my anger and rudeness. I ran after him into the hall, my eyes full of tears, holding out both hands, which he took in both of his. "Don't go until you have forgiven me for being so angry!" I cried. "Indeed, Dr. Elliott, though you may not be able to believe it, I am trying to do right all the time!" "I do believe it," he said earnestly. "Then tell me that you forgive me!" "If I once begin, I shall be tempted to tell something else," he said, looking me through and through with those great dusky eyes. "And I will tell it," he went on, his grasp on my hands growing firmer. "It is easy to forgive when one loves." I pulled my hands away and burst out crying again. "Oh, Dr. Elliott, this is dreadful!" I said. "You do not, you cannot love me! You are so much older than I am! So grave and silent! You are not in earnest! "I am only too much so," he said and went quietly out. [Ernest and Katy were married on January 16, 1837. :)]