It was now the turn of Aunt Patience. Her book had covers
wrought by her own hands, in grave and gay colors well mingled together.
“When I first came here,” said she, “Susy used to cry a
great deal whenever she was hurt or punished. When she was sick she was very
hard to please. When she sat down to learn to sew and to read and to write, she
would break her thread in anger, or throw her book on the floor, or declare she
never could learn. But now she has left off crying when she is hurt, and tries
to bear the pain quietly. When she is sick she does not fret or complain, but
takes her medicine without a word. When she is sewing she does not twitch her
thread into knots, and when she is writing she writes slowly and carefully. I
have rocked her to sleep a thousand times. I have been shut up in the closet
with her again and again. And I hope I have done her some good and taught her
some useful lessons.”
“Indeed you have, Aunt Patience!” said Susy’s papa. “But
Susy is not yet perfect. We shall need you six years longer.”
~ From "Little Susy's Six Teachers"
[We never cease needing lessons from Aunt Patience. ~ mr.]
~ From "Little Susy's Six Teachers"
[We never cease needing lessons from Aunt Patience. ~ mr.]