
Friday, October 21, 2011

Seen by God

A woman should not live for, or even desire, fame. This is yet more true of a Christian woman. If I had not steadily suppressed all such ambition, I might have become a sour, disappointed woman, seeing my best work unrecognized. But it has been my wish to

"Dare to be little and unknown,
Seen and loved by God alone."

~ From letter to Mr. Cady, written in 1878. Mrs. Prentiss died later that year.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Oh Jesus, draw nearer,
And make Thyself dearer,
I yearn, I am yearning for Thee;
Come take for Thy dwelling,
The heart that is swelling
With longings Thy beauty to see!

How languid and weary,
How lonely and dreary,
The days when Thou hidest Thy face;
How sorrow and sadness
Are turned into gladness,
By a glimpse of its love and its grace.

Come nearer, come nearer,
And make Thyself dearer,
Thou joy, thou delight of my heart.
Close, close to Thee pressing
I long for Thy blessing,
I cannot without it depart.

~ Golden Hours, Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life, 1873

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another Lesson Learned

I have had a new lesson that has almost broke my heart. In looking over his father's papers, Ernest found a little journal, brief in its records indeed; but we learn from it that on all those weddings and birthdays, when I fancied his austere religion made him hold aloof from our merrymaking, he was spending the time in fasting and praying for us and for our children! Oh, shall I ever learn the sweet charity that thinketh no evil and believeth all things! What blessings may not have descended upon us and our children through those prayers! What evils may they not have warded off! Dear old Father! Oh, that I could once more put my loving arms about him and bid him welcome to our home! And how gladly would I now confess to him all my unjust judgments concerning him and entreat him for forgiveness! Must life always go on thus? Must I always be erring, ignorant and blind? How I hate this arrogant sweeping past my brother man, this utter ignoring of his hidden life! ~ Stepping Heavenward, April, 1844 entry

[Let me just say this. This entry by Katy caused an explosion of tears from my eyes more than any other in the entire book. I'll just leave it at that. mr]