
Friday, June 21, 2013

The School

We are scholars, nothing but scholars,
Little children at school,
Learning our daily lessons,
Subject to law and rule.

Life is the School, and the Master
Is the Man Jesus Christ;
We are His charity scholars,
His the teaching unpriced.
Slowly we learn all His patience
Is hourly put to the test:
But often the slowest and dullest,
He pities, and loves the best.
Still, we sit at the feet of our Master,
Very low at His feet,
Study the lessons He sets us,
Sometimes lessons repeat.
Some of the lessons are pleasant,
Pleasant and easy to learn;
The page of our task-book simple,
Simple and easy to turn.
But anon the reading is painful,
Studied ‘mid sighing and tears;
We stammer and falter over it,
Do not learn it for years.

Yet that is no fault of the Master;
All His lessons are good;
Only our childish folly
Leaves them misunderstood.

And still we go on, learning,
And learning to love our school;
Learning to love our Master,
Learning to love His rule.

And by and by, we children
Shall grow into perfect men,
And the loving, patient Master
From school will dismiss us then.

No more tedious lessons,
No more sighing and tears,
But a bound into home immortal,
And blessed, blessed years!

~ From Golden Hours: Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life

[Apparently the closing lines to this poem are found on Mrs. Prentiss' tombstone. ~mr]

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Religion and Love Both

"We women are exacting creatures; and you can not please us unless we have the whole of you. Oh, if you knew the sacredness, the beauty, the sweetness of married life, as I do, you would as soon think of entering heaven without a wedding garment, as of venturing on its outskirts even, save by the force of a passionate, overwhelming power that is stronger than death itself!" ~ written to a young friend whom she feared was marrying for reasons other than love.

[Said of Mrs. P in More Love to Thee, the Life & Letters of Mrs. Prentiss: "She placed religion and love alike at the foundation of a true home; the one to connect it with heaven above, the other to make it a heaven upon earth." I think that's so nice to know. ~ mr]

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is it Well With Thee?

Yes, it is well! For while with anguish wild
I gave to God who asked him, my child,
He gave to me strong faith, and peace and joy;
Gave me these blessings when He took my boy.
He gave Himself to me; in boundless grace
Within my deepest depths He took His place;
Made heaven look home-like, made my bleeding heart
In all the grief of other hearts take part;
Brought down my pride, burnt up my hidden dross,
Made me fling down the world and clasp the cross.
Ah, how my inmost soul doth in me swell,
When I declare that all with me is well!

~ from Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life