
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Something for Christ (3)

Something for Thee! On bended knee,
Unseen, unknown by mortal eye,
My soul for other souls shall plead--
As Thou for me didst intercede.
Thy love can own a tear, a sigh,
Something for Thee!

Something for Thee! Yet if for me
It is a useless, crippled hand,
Let perfect patience mark my way:
Since they who silently obey
Are doing as Thy wisdom planned,
Something for Thee!

~ from Golden Hours: Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Something for Christ (2)

Something for Thee! I do not see
A coming battle for my King,
I only see a little cup--
With water haste to fill it up:
Thy love will own this trivial thing,
Something for Thee!

Something for Thee! From self I flee,
What wilt Thou, Master, from me still?
With eager heart I stand and wait,
Longing for work, or small or great:
Let me be doing as Thy will,
Something for Thee!

~ "Something for Christ" from Golden Hours: Heart-Hymns for the Christian Life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Something for Christ (1)

Something for Thee! Lord, let this be
Thy choice for me from day to day;
The life I live it is not mine,
Thy will, my will, have made it Thine!
Oh let me do in Thine own way,
Something for Thee!

Something for Thee! What shall it be?
Speak, Lord, Thy waiting servant hears,
Is it to do some mighty deed?
Is it some multitude to feed?
Is it to do mid pains and fears,
Something for Thee?

~ "Something for Christ" from Golden Hours: Heart-Hymns for the Christian Life.